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Account usage metrics

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Last edited: Oct 02, 2024


This topic explains how to understand the usage metrics visualized on the Usage page, and how your usage relates to the LaunchDarkly plan you subscribe to.

For additional details on how LaunchDarkly calculates billing based on your usage, read Calculating billing.

About the Usage page

To open usage metrics, click the gear icon in the left sidenav to view Organization settings. Then choose Usage from the left sidenav. These usage metrics tell you more about how your application and members of your organization are using LaunchDarkly.

These usage metrics tell you more about how your application and your organization are using LaunchDarkly.

The Usage page includes the following subtabs:

Overview tab

The Overview tab displays your plan usage, primary contexts, Experimentation keys or events, and Data Export events, as well as the service connections and peak concurrent connections from server-side SDKs your organization is using.

The Overview tab shows the contexts at the account level, while the Client tab can show all the contexts from each named project or from each named environment. If the same context is present in multiple environments or projects, it still counts only once toward your context count.

Client tab

The Client tab displays contexts and client connections, depending on your billing model. You can narrow these charts by date range, SDK, and project/environment. You can also narrow the contexts chart by context kind.

Experiments tab

If you use Experimentation, the Experiments tab displays each day's cumulative number of Experimentation keys or events, depending on your billing model, for the current calendar month. You can narrow the views by context kind, project/environment, or date range.

Experimentation keys include the total number of unique context keys, from server-side, client-side, and edge SDKs, included in each experiment:

  • if the same context key is in one experiment multiple times, LaunchDarkly counts it as one Experimentation key
  • if the same context key is in two different experiments, LaunchDarkly counts it as two Experimentation keys

If you subscribe to a LaunchDarkly plan, you commit to a certain number of Experimentation keys each month. LaunchDarkly will also bill you at the beginning of each month for any usage in excess of these prepaid entitlements from the prior month. You can change your monthly entitlements from the Billing page. To learn more, read The Billing tab.

Data Export

If you use Data Export, the Data Export tab displays each day's cumulative number of events published in the current calendar month. You can narrow the views by project and environment or date range.

If you subscribe to a LaunchDarkly plan, you commit to a certain number of Data Export events each month. LaunchDarkly will also bill you at the beginning of each month for any usage in excess of these prepaid entitlements from the prior month. You can change your monthly entitlements from the Billing page. To learn more, read The Billing tab.


The Server tab displays server MAUs and peak concurrent connections from server-side SDKs, which is the number of connections from server-side SDKs on a given day. You can narrow the views by SDK, project, environment, and date range.

Service connections

The Service connections tab displays the service connections on a given day. You can narrow the views by date range.

A service connection is one instance of one server-side SDK connected to one LaunchDarkly environment for a time period measured in minutes. To learn more, read Service connections.

If you subscribe to a LaunchDarkly plan, you commit to a certain number of service connections each month. LaunchDarkly will also bill you at the beginning of each month for any usage in excess of these prepaid entitlements from the prior month. You can change your monthly entitlements from the Billing page. To learn more, read The Billing tab.

You can also use the REST API: Account usage